Newsletter 23 June 2021Edwin AnglessJun 23, 20211 min read Our appeal was lodged with the Water Tribunal under section 148(1) of the National Water Act, which provides interested and affected parties the right to appeal a Water Use Licence decision. Read More
Our appeal was lodged with the Water Tribunal under section 148(1) of the National Water Act, which provides interested and affected parties the right to appeal a Water Use Licence decision. Read More
Leslie London: Respect Constitution, MayorDan Plato ignored sound planning principles and expert opinion Cape Town’s Mayor is on a propaganda offensive. Mayor Dan Plato wants to...
Heritage Day for Indigenous People.Heritage is an important component of who we are as people indigenous to South Africa. Due to our history of slavery, mass genocide,...
Amazon's Cape Town base: The battle to save South African cultureCampaigners in the South African city of Cape Town are trying to halt the building of the African headquarters for Amazon. It's a battle...