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Heritage Status Recognised


Heritage Western Cape (HWC) says the Two Rivers Urban Park (TRUP) area should be assessed for Grade I heritage status. Grade I heritage resources are exceptional and considered to be of national significance, and are identified and managed by the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA).

This follows discussions held with interested parties and HWC last Thursday on the provincial heritage status of the TRUP. As part of the TRUP is subject to a R4 billion redevelopment by the Liesbeek Leisure Properties Trust, several roleplayers made submissions before the HWC council.HWC chief executive Michael Janse van Rensburg said their Council resolved to approve HWC notifying SAHRA of its opinion that the TRUP area should be assessed for Grade I heritage status in terms of Section 24(1)(e) of the National Heritage Resources Act (NHRA).“

“Based on discussions at various meetings and documents put forward in terms of the heritage significance for the TRUP area, and not withstanding that an application for the proposed nomination of the site for Grade I status is also currently submitted with SAHRA. HWC is of the strong opinion that the TRUP area is worthy of being further investigated for Grade I heritage status. This does not detract from the site being of very high regional significance,” HWC’s Council found.


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